News Archives Author: ssgca_master

J. Scott Victor Contributes to the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat: Strengthen Law to Encourage 363 Sales

J. Scott Victor Contributes to the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat: Prepa Restructuring Depends on Energy Alternatives

J. Scott Victor Contributes to the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat on Municipal Distress

J. Scott Victor was selected as a Global M&A Network Top 100 Restructuring & Turnaround Professional-Investment Banker.

J. Scott Victor Quoted in Bloomberg Businessweek’s Article “Defaulted Energy Future Bonds Soar on Bankruptcy Conflict”

J. Scott Victor Contributes to the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat on GM’s Liability

Teresa Kohl Quoted in WSJ’s Bankruptcy Beat article “Turnaround Professionals Help Launch New York Business Mentoring”.

J. Scott Victor Contributes to the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat

Teresa Kohl Quoted in article “U.S. Business Bankruptcies Dropped 24% in 2013”.